1:Relaxing Music2025.03.22(Sat)

Partner Psoas Release seems to be a hot topic
#Will the pain go away?

2:Relaxing Music2025.03.22(Sat)

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3:Relaxing Music2025.03.22(Sat)

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🔥 Partner Psoas Massage: Unlock Those Deep Tension Spots! 🔥

Feeling tight in your hips or low back? It’s probably your psoas screaming for help. 😫 Did you know it’s the only muscle that crosses from the low back all the way across to the hip? Enter the game-changer: a partner psoas massage! This is THE move to release that deep tension and finally feel some relief. 🙌

Here’s how to do it right:
1️⃣ Set Up: Have your partner lie on their back with knees bent, and find the spot ⅓ of the way from your hip bone (towards the belly button). 🎯
2️⃣ Apply Pressure: Have your partner take a deep breath while you slowly press down—this muscle is deep, so go slow and controlled. You’ll feel it. 😅
3️⃣ Breathe Through It: Have your partner take deep, slow breaths and bend and lift the knee while your partner releases tension.

✨ Bonus: Pair this with proper movement after to keep that psoas happy and pain-free! 💪

Tag your massage buddy and get ready to FIX YO SH*T together!

#MoveU #FixYoShit #PsoasRelease #PartnerMassage #HipFlexorPain #TensionRelease #bodyalignment Find out more! https://moveu.com/pages/hip-pain

4:Relaxing Music2025.03.22(Sat)

>>1 https://bodycare.link/

5:Relaxing Music2025.03.22(Sat)

>>1 Thank u

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